Journal of Korean Geriatric Psychiatry


pISSN 1226-6329 / eISSN 2733-4600


대한노인정신의학회 (5권1호 36-46)

Clinical Characteristics of Dementia with Lewy Bodies

루이체 치매의 임상적 특징

전진숙(Jin-Sook Cheon);Edmond Chiu


The dementia with Lewy bodies which was common next to the Alzheimer's dementia had been oftenly misdiagnozed as vascular dementia. The pathologic diagnosis of dementia with Lewy bodies was increasing with the development of immunocytochemical techniques, and it also drew much interest recently. The clinical criteria included core symptoms such as fluctuation of cognitive function, wellformed visual hallucination and extrapyramidal symptoms. For the pathologic criteria, presence of brainstem or cortical Lewy bodies were essential, besides of other pathology. However, it was difficult to obtain satisfactory consensus between investigators about the clinical and pathologic criteria of the dementia with Lewy bodies. There were several reports which suggested good response to the cholinesterase inhibitors.


혈관성 치매,인지기능의 변동,환시,추체외로 증상,피질 루이체, Vascular dementia,Cognitive fluctuation,Visual hallucination,Extrapyramidal symptoms, Cortical Lewy bodies,Cholinesterase inhibitors