Journal of Korean Geriatric Psychiatry


pISSN 1226-6329 / eISSN 2733-4600


대한노인정신의학회 (20권2호 114-120)

A Validation Study for the Scale of the Media Reports Regarding Suicide

자살보도에 관한 객관적 평가 척도의 타당성 연구

박종익(Jong-Ik Park);황현국(Hyun-Kuk Hwang);서영은(Young-Eun Seo)


Objective:This study was conducted to develop the evaluating scale of adherence to guideline 2.0 for suicide reporting declared by Ministry of Health and Welfare and the Korea Suicide Prevention Center. Methods:Four hundred and fifty one subjects who work in suicide prevention center or mental health center across the country participated in survey. They responded to 20 items after reading media report regarding suicide episode. Two hundred and twenty six cases of recruited data were analyzed. Reliability and validity were assessed by Chronbach-α and exploratory factor analysis. Then, confirmatory factor analysis based on another 225 data was conducted. Results:The Results of exploratory factor analysis shows three factor structures. The validity of previous three factor structure based on confirmatory factor analysis was appropriate and the three factor structure consisted of 10 questionnaires with three subconcepts such as ‘glorification’, ‘lasciviousness’, and ‘providing information’. Conclusion:Three factor structures in the scale on media reports regarding as suicide is appropriate and this scale will contribute to evaluating suicide report on media.


Suicide,Copycat suicide,Suicide report,Media guideline