Journal of Korean Geriatric Psychiatry


pISSN 1226-6329 / eISSN 2733-4600


대한노인정신의학회 (19권2호 1-6)

Efficacy of Cognitive Training in Community-Dwelling Elderly

지역사회 거주 노인을 위한 인지훈련의 효과

배나리(Na-lee Bae);이광헌(Kwang-hun Lee);이관(Kwan Lee);곽경필(Kyung-phil Kwak)


Objective:This study was aimed to investigate the efficacy of cognitive training in community-dwelling elderly, and to sup-port mental health care system for the elderly. Methods:We investigated 1,994 and aged over 65 years elderly visiting senior center from April 2014 to July 2014. Their de-mographic data was investigated. Cognitive functions were evaluated by Korean Version of Mini Mental Status Examination for Dementia Screening (MMSE-DS) and Global Deterioration Scale. Quality of life was evaluated by Korean Quality of Life-Alzheim-er’s Disease (KQoL-AD) and depression by Short Korean Form of Geriatric Depression Scale. Before and after cognitive training, we analysed these data. Results:MMSE-DS, KQoL-AD were significantly higher in score after the cogintive training than before of that (p<0.001). SGDS-K were significantly lower in score after the cognitive training than before of that (p<0.001). Conclusion:Cognitive training resulted in improvement in cognitive functions, quality of life and depression for community-dwelling elderly. These results suggest that future mental health care policy has to consider the importance of community-dwelling elderly.


Cognitive training,Elderly,Cognitive function,Depression,Quality of life,인지훈련,노인,인지기능,우울,삶의 질.