Journal of Korean Geriatric Psychiatry


pISSN 1226-6329 / eISSN 2733-4600


대한노인정신의학회 (19권2호 1-5)

The Distribution of Depressive Symptoms among the Community-Dwelling Elderly

지역사회 거주 노인들의 우울증상 분포

하운식(Unshik Ha);전덕인(Duk-In Jon);홍현주(Hyun Ju Hong);정명훈(Myung Hun Jung);김미경(Mi Gyeong Kim);홍나래(Narei Hong)


Objective:This study was to understand the characteristics of depressive symptoms among the community-dwelling elderly. Methods:Through a community mental health mass screening program in senior society, 197 elderly were evaluated for de-pressive symptoms with Korean version of Short form Geriatric Depression Scale (SGDS-K). The subjects were grouped into nor-mal or caution groups with a cut-off score of 6. The response rate and odds ratio were calculated and compared within each ques-tion. Results:Although they had low total score, many subjects in normal group have the symptoms of the question 2, 13, 5, 10, 7, 4 (in order). Question 12, 6, 8, 4, 14, 3 (in order) showed higher odds ratio in caution group than normal group. Questions be-longed to a factor ‘general depressive mood’ scored much higher odds ratio than the other. Conclusion:Even the elderly with low score in SGDS-K might complain of symptoms such as decreased level of energy, ac-tivities, interests, and memory. However the subjects with high score tend to report feeling more worthless, afraid, helpless, bored, hopeless, and empty. It can be helpful to know the distribution of depressive symptoms for providing careful mental health ser-vice to the elderly dwelling in the communities.


Depression,Geriatric psychiatry,Community Mental Health Centers,Psychiatric status rating scales,우울,노인정신의학,지역사회 정신건강증진센터,정신상태검사척도.