Journal of Korean Geriatric Psychiatry


pISSN 1226-6329 / eISSN 2733-4600


대한노인정신의학회 (19권2호 1-7)

Extrapyramidal Signs and Impairment of Cognitive Subdomains in Mild Cognitive Impairment : A Clinical Research Center for Dementia of South Korea (CREDOS) Study

경도인지장애에서 추체외로 증상과 영역별 인지기능 저하 :A Clinical Research Center for Dementia of South Korea (CREDOS) Study

박진홍(Jin Hong Park);명우재(Woojae Myung);최준배(Junbae Choi);김상하(Sangha Kim);강효신(Hyo Shin Kang);나덕렬(Duk L. Na);김성윤(Seong Yoon Kim);이재홍(Jae-Hong Lee);한설희(Seol-Heui Han);최성혜(Seong Hye Choi);김상윤(SangYun Kim);김도관(Doh Kwan Kim)


Objective:This study investigated the association between extrapyramidal signs (EPS) and five cognitive sub-domains in a large number of patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Methods:Our analyses considered 1,943 patients with MCI drawn from the nationwide Clinical Research of Dementia of South Korea study. EPS were defined as presence in patients with at least 1 of 11 operationally specified features. We assessed five cognitive sub-domains : attention, language, visuospatial function, memory, and frontal/executive function using the Seoul Neuro-psychological Screening Battery-Dementia version. The associations of EPS with each cognitive sub-domain were analyzed with a multiple linear regression model after controlling for confounding factors : sex, age, education years, diabetes, hypertension, sever-ity of global function, depressive symptoms, and white matter hyperintensities (WMH). Results:138 MCI patients (7.1%) had EPS. This group had more global cognitive deterioration and severe WMH. MCI pa-tients with EPS showed lower performance compared to those without EPS in 3 cognitive sub-domains: attention (p=0.05), vi-suospatial function (p=0.02), and frontal/executive function (p<0.0001). The language sub-domain and the memory sub-domain did not differ between the EPS positive and the EPS negative groups. Conclusion:EPS in MCI are associated with greater cognitive impairment in specific functional sub-domains rather than with global greater cognitive deterioration.


Mild cognitive impairment,Extrapyramidal signs,Cognition,도인지장애,추체외로 증상,인지기능.