Journal of Korean Geriatric Psychiatry


pISSN 1226-6329 / eISSN 2733-4600


대한노인정신의학회 (2권2호 147-159)

Anorexia in the Elderly

노인의 식욕부진

이영호(Young Ho Lee)


Loss of appetite, regardless of cause, is a significant symptom that may cause extreme wieght loss in the olderly patients. Unrecognized anorexia can lead to debilitation, primarily from weight loss, which in turn can lead to muscle wasting, weakness, fatigue, impaired immunocompetence, depression, and an increase in complications from chronic disease. Undernourished elderly patients are also much less able to withstand physical stress, such as surgery. Anorexia gets a lot of media and medical attention when it occurs as an eating disorder in teenagers, but it is actually more likely to occur later in life. However, there has been a little attention on this problem in the elderly. In this review, the author concentrates on 1) the physiological and biochemical changes in the pathogenesis of appetite and food intake which are associted with the normal aging process;2) the primary and secondary causes of anorexia and weight loss in the elderly;and 3) the practical management strategies to help this population eat better.


식욕부진,노인, Anorexia,The elderly