Journal of Korean Geriatric Psychiatry


pISSN 1226-6329 / eISSN 2733-4600


대한노인정신의학회 (18권1호 9-18)

The Relationship between Identity and Mental Health for Successful Aging in Old-Aged Women

여성노인의 성공적 노화를 위한 정체성과 정신건강의 관계

김일빈(Il Bin Kim);안동현(Dong Hyun Ahn)


Objective:The aim of this study was to explain what the relationship is between identity and psychological well-being and how these are related to successful aging of old-aged women. Methods:The subjects were thirty females above 60 years old in the first study where we interviewed each ten subjects for 2 hours in three groups. In the second study we surveyed 320 old-aged men and women by questionnaire for about 15 minutes. Results:From focus-group interview we found the freedom from everything in life was perceived as an important change in old-aged women. But their identity was mainly derived from family relationship in aspects of economy and/or care of their grand-son/-daughter. The results from analyses of questionnaire survey (n=320) were as follows ; first, women were more positive than men (female 63.1% versus male 56.5%) in the evaluation of their past life. Second, women were also more positive (female 23.7% versus male 15.2%) in the expectation for the future. Third, the successful aging had positive relationships with acceptance for aging, cohabitation with family members, income, female gender and age (65-69 years) ; and negative relationships with stress and loneliness/depression, but no relationships with decreased memory and poor sleep. Conclusion:We concluded that identity for the successful aging in old-aged women is mainly derived from family relationship.


여성노인,성공적 노화,주체성,정신건강, Old-aged women,Successful aging,Identity,Mental health