Journal of Korean Geriatric Psychiatry


pISSN 1226-6329 / eISSN 2733-4600


대한노인정신의학회 (2권2호 140-146)

Behavioral Assessments in Geriatric Patients

노인 환자의 행동 평가

전진숙(Jin-Sook Cheon)


The behavioral disturbances such as agitation, aggression and wandering occurred in the geriatric patients have imposed much burdens on the caregivers. The origin of the behavioral disorders in the geriatric patients were identified to be based on the multidimensional interaction of the biological, psychological and social factors. There are no satisfactory instruments for assessment of behavioral disorders in the geriatric patients. Furthermore, the functional assessments are also required to evaluate the environmental events to influence the problem behaviors in the geriatric patients.


노인환자,행동평가,초조성,공격성,방황,기능평가, Geriatric patient,Behavioral assessment,Agitation,Aggression,Wandering,Functional assessment