Journal of Korean Geriatric Psychiatry


pISSN 1226-6329 / eISSN 2733-4600


대한노인정신의학회 (17권2호 61-68)

Pharmacotherapy for Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms in Dementia

치매에서의 행동 및 심리 증상에 대한 약물치료

정희정(Hee Jeong Jeong);이영민(Young Min Lee);박제민(Je Min Park);이병대(Byung Dae Lee);문은수(Eunsoo Moon);정영인(Young In Chung)


Behavioral and psychological symptoms in dementia (BPSD) are one of the common causes leading to significant impairment in quality of life for both patients and their caregivers, as well as an increased risk of institutionalization. In the treatment of BPSD, the first step is to check medical illness, and environmental status that can cause BPSD. When BPSD are associated with medical illness or environmental status, it is important to correct this condition for treatment of BPSD. However, if BPSD are very severe enough to be dangerous to patients or others and are not treatable by nonpharmacological approaches, pharmacological treatments could be considered. In pharmacological approaches, it is important to select relevant drugs according to the target symptoms, such as psychosis, depression, agitation, sleep disturbance, and so on. Due to the altered pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, drug dosages for the patients with dementia should be started very low and increased slowly.


치매,정신행동증상,약물 치료 Dementia,Behavioral and psychological symptoms in dementia,Pharmacotherapy