Journal of Korean Geriatric Psychiatry


pISSN 1226-6329 / eISSN 2733-4600


대한노인정신의학회 (15권1호 13-18)

Correlation between Regional Suicide Rates and Medical Aid in the Korean Elderly

한국 노인에서 광역시도별 자살률과 의료급여의 상관성

이종민(Jong Min Lee);이상아(Sang Ah Lee);이강욱(Kang Uk Lee);박종익(Jong Ik Park);이자영(Ja Young Lee);최민경(Min Gyeong Choe);주진형(Jin Hyeong Jhoo)


Objectives:We aimed to find out the relationship between the regional suicide rates and the percentages of medical aid in the elderly in Korea. Methods:Suicide rates of the elderly in 16 upper-level local governments from 2007 to 2009 were calculated using ‘Cause of Death Statistics’ and ‘Annual Report on Live Births and Deaths Statistics’ from Korea National Statistical Office. The percentages of medical aid persons among the elderly in 16 upper-level local governments were calculated using ‘National Health Insurance Statistical Yearbook’ from Health Insurance Review Agency and National Health Insurance Corporation. The correlation between the suicide rates and the percentages of medical aid in the elderly was measured. Results:There was no significant correlation between the suicide rates and the percentage of medical aid in the elderly in 16 upper-level local governments. But significant negative correlation was found when only the old-elderly or the old women were analyzed. And the significant negative correlation was also found when only 8 local governments except the major cities and the national capital area were included for analysis. Conclusion:Medical aid system could be helpful to reduce the suicide rate in the old-elderly or the old women in Korea. And this effect might be intensified in non-metropolitan and non-capital area.


Rhinitis,Allergic special,Endoscopy, 노인,자살률,의료급여