Journal of Korean Geriatric Psychiatry


pISSN 1226-6329 / eISSN 2733-4600


대한노인정신의학회 (12권2호 87-94)

The Impact of Religiosity, Spirituality on Depression & Quality of Life in Solitary Korean Elderly

한국의 일 지역 독거노인에서 종교성 및 영성이 우울 및 삶의 질에 미치는 영향

허윤(Yoon Huh);문유선(Yoo Sun Moon);손봉기(Bong Ki Son);이상규(Sang Kyu Lee);이강(Kang Lee);노현진(Hyun Jin Rho);김도훈(Do Hoon Kim)


Objectives : This study tried to investigate the effects of religiosity and spirituality on depression and quality of life in older people. Methods : This study was conducted by selecting 274 solitary elderly people of over 65 years of age living in Chuncheon city. Symptoms of depression were evaluated by SGDS-K (Short Geriatric Depression Scale of Korean version) and quality of life were measured by GQOL-D (Geriatric Quality of Life-Dementia). We used the Duke Religion Index (DUREL) to assess religiosity and spirituality. Results : There was significant correlation between scales of depression (SGDS-K), quality of life (GQOL-D) and the scale of religiosity, spirituality (DUREL) in older people. Depressed people had lower score in GQOL-D than non-depressed. Among the depressed, people believing in a religion had higher score in GQOL-D than people who have no religion. As a result of multiple regression analysis, we came to know that religiosity and spirituality had significant effects on depression and quality of life in elderly. Interestingly, religiosity and spirituality is not related with depression and quality of life in Buddhism, but in Christian and Catholic. Conclusion : Religiosity and spirituality had significant effects on depression and the quality of life in Korean elderly. However, there are different relationships between depression and religiosity, quality of life and religiosity according to different kinds of religion. In the future, more research is needed.


노인,종교성,영성,우울,삶의 질, Religiosity,Spirituality,Depression,Quality of life,Elderly people