Journal of Korean Geriatric Psychiatry


pISSN 1226-6329 / eISSN 2733-4600


대한노인정신의학회 (11권1호 20-24)

Depression and Cognitive Impairment in the Elderly

노인의 우울증과 인지기능장애

김양래(Yang Rae Kim);정한용(Han Yong Jung)


A number of studies have looked at depression and associated cognitive impairment. The term depressive pseudodementia has proved to be a popular clinical concept. Despite the improvement following treatment of depression, the baseline level of cognitive impairment in older depressive patients remained impaired, mostly. These patients would be likely at high risk of developing progressive dementia. Depressive symptoms and cognitive decline would be different phenotypes result from neurodegeneration of pathophysiology for dementia. Depression in elderly patients, especially late-onset appears to be a strong predictor of dementia. No more concept of pseudodementia, older patients with depressive symptoms combined cognitive impairment should probably have full dementia screenings, comprehensive cognitive testing and ongoing monitoring of their cognitive function.


노인,우울증,인지기능 장애,치매, Old,Depression,Cognitive impairment,Dementia