Journal of Korean Geriatric Psychiatry


pISSN 1226-6329 / eISSN 2733-4600


대한노인정신의학회 (11권1호 8-11)

Seoul Dementia Management Project and Seoul Metropolitan Center for Dementia

서울시 치매관리사업과 광역치매센터

이동영(Dong Young Lee)


The author briefly describes background, aims and organizational scheme of the Seoul Dementia Management Project (SDMP) and introduces the Seoul Metropolitan Center for Dementia (SMCD), which is responsible for planning and managing the overall process of the SDMP. The SDMP emphasize a community-based “integrative management for dementia”, which encompasses education, preventive programs, early detection and early therapeutic interventions, as well as providing proper care services, closely linked to online case-registration & management system. It also take a serious consideration not only for integrating medical and welfare services, but also for utilizing pre-existing community resources for dementia care. Besides the SMCD, the Supporting Center for Dementia (SCD), which functions as a local executive unit for the SDMP, will be established at each of twenty-five districts in Seoul. The SDMP is expected to be a leading model for a community-based dementia management system that can be referred to by other domestic or international cities.


치매,서울시,치매관리사업,광역치매센터, Dementia,Seoul,Seoul Dementia Management Project,Seoul Metropolitam Center for Dementia