Journal of Korean Geriatric Psychiatry


pISSN 1226-6329 / eISSN 2733-4600


대한노인정신의학회 (9권1호 17-25)

Bipolar Disorder in Old Age

노년기 양극성장애

김양래(Yang Rae Kim);정한용(Han Yong Jung);이상희(Sang Hee Lee)


Bipolar disorder in old age is a growing public health problem. We reviewed the epidemiology, clinical characteristics, course, cormobidity, and treatment of bipolar disorder in old age with special focus on comparing with younger patients. Most available date is gleaned from retrospective chart reviews and cohort studies. Many of these reviews have been targeted toward the clinician, and they have relied heavily on extrapolating data from other psychiatric disorders in late life or younger people with bipolar disorder. But, at present, there are more gaps in empirical knowledge than there answer, and greater research on bipolar disorder in older people will assist in enhancing services to this group as well as inform research on bipolar disorder across the life span.


양극성장애,노년기, Bipolar disorder,Old age