Journal of Korean Geriatric Psychiatry


pISSN 1226-6329 / eISSN 2733-4600


대한노인정신의학회 (7권2호 108-118)

The Functional Assessment Process in Long-Term Care System for Older Persons

노인장기요양보장제도에서의 평가판정체계

선우덕(Duk Sunwoo)


This paper was written to provide information on the functional assessment system in developing public long-term care scheme for frail older persons. Until now in Korea long-term care services tend to be provided to older persons disqualified, because there is no a formal instrument to assess. Fundamentally the scope of function covered by particular measures is composed of four domains : self-care functioning, domestic functioning, cognitive function and challenging beha-viour. As a result of review of literatures and each nation's system, assessment indices were suggested 41 items. That is to say, the self-care functioning and domestic functioning are con-sisted of 22 items, cognitive function and challenging behaviour being 9 items. Besides, it is suggested that 10 items of nursing and rehabilitative needs should be assessed. It is desirable that assessedment process firstly visiting examiner make an investigation of physical and cogni-tive function with a constructed questionnaire and secondly assessment team such as ACAT in Australia decide the level of functional severity.


장기요양대상,기능평가영역,평가도구,평가자,평가절차, Functional assessment domain,Assessor,Assessment instrument