Journal of Korean Geriatric Psychiatry


pISSN 1226-6329 / eISSN 2733-4600


대한노인정신의학회 (7권2호 143-153)

A 6 Months Follow-Up of Cognitive Function in Urban Community Elderly

지역사회 노인에서의 인지기능 추적 연구

양재원(Jae Won Yang);정인과(In Kwa Jung);서용진(Yong Jin Seo);이헌정(Heon Jeong Lee);권호인(Ho In Kwon)


Object : The purpose of this study was to measure the natural changes of cognitive function over 6 month and to determine which cognitive tests were valuable for early detection of dementia in community dwelling elderly. Method : Cognitive function were measured in 94 elderly registered at the Public Welfare Center in Gwacheon, the urban community of Kyunggido. After 6 months, same cognitive functions were re-measured in 54 elderly. The measures were Korean version of Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE-K), Subtests of Korea Version of Memory Assessment Scales (K-MAS), Verbal Fluency Test, Clock Drawing Task, Wechsler Digit Substitution Test and Wechsler Similarity Test. Results : The mean age was 73.61±5.97 year. Most part of the tests were influenced by education, but not by age and sex. Of the MMSE-K subtests, the score of memory registration and memory recall declined after 6 months. The score of delayed recall of K-MAS declined, too. Decreased score was also observed in 'country' of the category verbal fluency test and 'n' of phonemic verbal fluency test, Wechsler digit substitution test and Wechsler similarity test. But, score decline was not statistically significant. Three persons were diagnosed as dementia after 6 months. And, they acquired low scores in above cognitive function tests in first cognitive function tests. Conclusion : Memory registration and memory recall of MMSE-K, delayed recall of K-MAS, verbal fluency test, Wechsler digit substitution test and Wechsler similarity test were sensitive to cognitive decline. The results suggest that cognitive function tests could be applied to detect minimal changes of cognitive function in community dwelling elderly.


노인,인지기능 검사, Elderly,Cognitive function test