Journal of Korean Geriatric Psychiatry


pISSN 1226-6329 / eISSN 2733-4600


대한노인정신의학회 (4권1호 101-105)

A Case of Presenile Alzheimers Dementia - 3 Year Neurocognitive Function and Behavioural Changes -

조발성 알쯔하이머병 환자에서 3년간 인지기능 및 행동 변화

오병훈(Byoung Hoon Oh);이창일(Chang Il Lee);남윤영(Yoon Young Nam)


Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most typical progressive and irreversible dementia characterized by loss of intellectual capacity in many domains, altered behavior, inability to care for oneself, and ultimately neurologic abnormalities. In the treatment of AD, the focus is limited to relief of cognitive and behavioral symptoms. But the choice of adequate treatment according to severity level is difficult task for maintaining patient's quality of life. We experienced a case of typical presenile Alzheimer's disease who progressed severe dementia while being treated with cognitive enhancers and psychosocial intervention for three years. In review of this case, we conclude that early detection and active treatment of presenile dementia is most important factor for delaying of progress and decreasing of family burden.


조발성 알쯔하이머병,인지기능,행동변화,3년간 추적조사, Presenile Alzheimer's disease,Neurocognitive function,Behavioral symptoms,3 year follow-up