Journal of Korean Geriatric Psychiatry


pISSN 1226-6329 / eISSN 2733-4600


대한노인정신의학회 (4권1호 17-23)

Behavioral Disturbances in BPSD

BPSD의 행동장애

김창현(Chang-Hyun Kim)


Behavior disturbances in dementia have many causes, and it is difficult to judge the effectiveness of any method as well as to classify and choose the right agents or methods of treatment. Because agitated behavior disturbances are intermittent phenomena, it is not certain that the change of symptom is response of treatment or incidental. We should help elderly people with risk of dementia, including the preventive intervention and various treatment strategies for the last stages of life. To the comprehensive treatment of behavioral disturbance of patients with dementia, adequate medical resources are essential through organized medical delivery system as well as environmental modification, family management and pharmacotherapy.


치매,행동장애,치료, Dementia,Behavioral disturbances,Management