pISSN 1226-6329 / eISSN 2733-4600
대한노인정신의학회 (4권2호 164-172)
Korean Standardization of General Medical Health Rating on Dementia Patients
치매 환자에 대한 신체건강척도의 한국판 표준화
정성수(Seong-Su Jeong);신용재(Yong-Jae Shin);안정애(Jung-Ae Ahn);여경희(Kyoung-Hee Yeo);신석철(Suk-Chul Shin)
Concurrent medical problem is common in dementia patients and critical to their care. Despite its importance, there was no bedside global rating scale for the seriousness of medical comorbidity. Lykestos et al. newly developed a reliable bedside scale, the General Medical Health Rating(GMHR). The objective of this study was to standardize the GMHR in form of Korean version(KGMHR). The study population consisted of 35 dementia patients in nursing home. Rating was performed by 1 physician and 2 nurses. Forty percent(14/35) of patients had one or more unstable medical illnesses. KGMHR ratings no more than 3 were 71.5%(25/35) of patients. The value of interrater reliability coefficient αwas 0.9121. Correlations between KGMHR ratings and number of unstable medi-cal illnesses were high(r=-0.487, p<0.01). KGMHR ratings were also correlated with number of medications being taken for comorbid conditions(r=-0.542, p<0.01). In conclusion, KGMHR is a very reliable and simple rating scale for medical comorbidity in dementia patients. So the KGMHR could be a useful tool for evaluation of comorbidity in dementia patients. To verify the prognostic value of KGMHR, further large sized long-term study are needed.
치매,동반질환,신체건강척도,신뢰도, Dementia,Comorbidity,General Medical Health Rating,GMHR,Reliability