Journal of Korean Geriatric Psychiatry


pISSN 1226-6329 / eISSN 2733-4600


대한노인정신의학회 (4권2호 186-192)

The Multidimensional Evaluation of Dementia Patients and the Correlation among Measures

치매환자의 다면적 평가와 평가척도간의 상관성

신용재(Yong-Jae Shin);정성수(Seong-Su Jung);왕성근(Sung-Kuen Wang);신석철(Suk-Chul Shin)


Objectives:Behavioral problem and functional impairment in addition to cognitive impairment are induced, and the medical comorbidity is common in dementia patients. Thus the evaluation of these domains is needed for the management of dementia patients. This study presents a method practically and easily assessing above all dimensions, and analyzes the results. Methods:The multidimensional evaluating method consists of one general staging measure (GDS) and four measures(MMSE, B-ADL, BEHAVE-AD, GMHR) evaluating four domains; cognition, activities of daily living, behavior, and medical comorbidity. These measures are administered to 29 dementia patients(Alzheimer's dementia 21, mixed or vascular dementia 9) admitted in a long-term care residence of dementia patients. The correlation of measures and the difference of the type of dementia, sex, and age are analysed by Pearson correlation coefficient and independent t-test respectively. Results & Conclusions:In the correlation of scales, the score of MMSE was significantly correlated to the score of B-ADL in Alzheimer's dementia patient group(p<0.05). The score of B-ADL was significantly higher(p<0.05) and the score of GMHR was statistically insignificantly higher in Alzheimer's dementia patient group than mixed or vascular dementia patient group. The sex and age was unrelated to cognitive or functional ability. This multidimensional evaluating method, including the assessment of the medical comorbidity, is thought to be convenient to apply in the long-term care residence of dementia patients, and be of practical help to the management of dementia patients.


치매,알쯔하이머 치매,다면적 평가,동반질환,상관성, Dementia,Alzheimer's dementia,Multidimensional evaluation,Comorbi-dity,Correlation