Journal of Korean Geriatric Psychiatry


pISSN 1226-6329 / eISSN 2733-4600


대한노인정신의학회 (3권2호 101-113)

Vascular Dementia:Clinical Feature and Diagnosis

혈관성 치매의 임상양상 및 진단

서국희(Guk-Hee Suh)


Hachinski coined the term 'multi-infarct dementia', which now changed to'vascular demntia', and used the Hachiski Ischemia Score (HIS) to differentiate multi-infarct dementia from Alzheimer's disease since 1974. The past two decades has seen a renewed interest in vascular dementia. New classification systems like DSM-IV, ICD-10, NINDS-AIREN and ADDTC have been developed to improve the reliability of the diagnosis, and there have been advances in diagnostic methodology, such as neuroimaging and neuropsychological assessment. Diagnostic criteria for vascular dementia remain to be validated by carefully designed, systematic, clinicopathologic study. Once such criteria are validated, meaningful study of subgroups of vascular dementia can be explored. Until the relationship between vascular dementia and Alzheimer's disease is better defined, the nosology for vascular dementia may be defined best as dementia associated with stroke. Various aspects of clinical manefestation of vascular dementia were discussed and presented as tables.


혈관성 치매,진단, Vascular dementia,Diagnosis,HIS,NINDS-AIREN,ADDTC,DSM-IV