pISSN 1226-6329 / eISSN 2733-4600
대한노인정신의학회 (24권1호 22-27)
Normative Data of the Phonemic Fluency Test in Korean Middle-Aged and Elderly Population
Normative Data of the Phonemic Fluency Test in Korean Middle-Aged and Elderly Population
Dahyun Yi; Younghwa Lee; Haejung Joung; Hakyoung Kim; Hyejin Ahn; Min Soo Byun; Jun Ho Lee; Gi Hwan Byeon; Dong Young Lee
Objective:The available normative data for the phonemic fluency test in Korean older adults have concerns for its utility. The aim of the currently study is to provide the normative data that overcome the issues of the previous norms. Methods:Total of 443 middle- and old-aged non-demented adults participated in this study. All participants underwent comprehensive assessments conducted by trained psychiatrists and psychologists. Diagnosis was made based on formal guidelines prior to administering the phonemic fluency test. Results:The norms on two age groups (50-59 and 60-90 years) with different strata of the education levels for the age groups are provided. Conclusion:The goal of the current study, which was to overcome the shortcomings of the previously published normative data and establish an updated reference for the Korean version of the phonemic fluency test, is achieved.
Normative data, Korean older Adults, Phonemic fluency test