pISSN 1226-6329 / eISSN 2733-4600
대한노인정신의학회 (23권2호 80-86)
Effects of Dementia Friendly Community Project on Awareness of Dementia and Changes in Attitude
치매 친화적 공동체 조성사업이 치매 인식 및 태도 변화에 미치는 영향
이은정(Eun Jeong Lee);곽경필(Kyung-Phil Kwak);이광헌(Kwang-Hun Lee);이관(Kwan Lee)
Objective:The purpose of this study was to compare the changes in the awareness and attitudes of the dementia subjects before and after the project, and to provide a basis for dementia patients to live with local residents. Methods:The number of targets in each community selected by the Dementia friendly community was over 200, and the total number of participants was 2,205. The selected subjects were assessed before and after the implementation of the project on their awareness of dementia and their dementia attitudes. Dementia awareness was assessed through a questionnaire consisting of 15 questions, and dementia attitude was assessed by dividing it into knowledge scale and comfort scale. Results:Since the implementation of the project, an increase in the average scores of dementia awareness (p<0.01) and dementia attitude scales (p<0.01) was identified. In addition, the scores of those who had experienced dementia in the past had higher scores on awareness and attitude toward dementia. Conclusion:This study confirms that dementia friendly community can cause positive change in awareness and attitudes toward members of the community. However, even though dementia friendly communities can have these positive impacts, many improvements are needed to implement in more diverse areas.
Dementia,Dementia friendly community,Dementia awareness,Dementia attitude,Local resident 치매,치매 친화적 공동체,치매 인식,치매 태도,지역 주민.