pISSN 1226-6329 / eISSN 2733-4600
대한노인정신의학회 (23권2호 51-57)
Impact of Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation with Computerized Cognitive Enhancement Training on Change in Cognitive Function of Mild Cognitive Impairment Patients : Existing, Sham Treatment Controlled, Pilot Study
경도인지장애 환자에서 반복 경두개 자기자극과 전산화 인지강화훈련 병합치료가 인지 변화에 미치는 영향에 대한 고찰 : 예비 연구, 활성, 거짓치료 대조군 비교 연구
이시은(Si Eun Lee);문호상(Ho-Sang Moon);정성택(Sung-Taek Chung);이창욱(Chang Uk Lee);강동우(Dong Woo Kang)
Objective:This study aimed to investigate the effects of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) and computerized cognitive enhancement training combined treatment on cognitive function in mild cognitive impairment (MCI) patients, comparing to the application of the rTMS alone and the sham stimulation. Methods:Six MCI patients received high-frequency rTMS applied to the bilateral dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, followed by the computerized cognitive enhancement training. In addition, six MCI patients took high-frequency rTMS alone. A sham stimulation was used as a control condition in 7 MCI patients. All stimuli were delivered at a frequency of two sessions per week for four weeks. Neuropsychological test was performed at each time points in each group. Results:Although there was the main effect of interaction between time and group on the score of the Korean version of Montreal Cognitive Assessment, only participants of the rTMS single treatment group showed significant improvement of this score. Conclusion:In order to overcome the weaknesses of previous studies confirming the efficacy of the combination therapy, this study included patients with MCI, which was the pre-dementia stage, and included rTMS single treatment group, but did not confirm the clinical efficacy of the combination therapy. Small sample size, the baseline cognitive function score, and the ceiling effect of the group were considered to be the bias factor of this study and further studies supplementing these factors are needed.
Mild cognitive impairment,Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation,Computerized cognitive enhancement training,Active-controlled,Sham-controlled,Randomized controlled. 경도인지장애,반복 경두개 자기가극,전산화 인지강화 훈련,활성 대조,거짓치료 대조,무작위 배정