pISSN 1226-6329 / eISSN 2733-4600
대한노인정신의학회 (23권1호 1-5)
Frustrated Interpersonal Needs and Life Satisfaction in the Elderly Living Alone
독거노인의 좌절된 대인관계 욕구와 삶의 만족도
박지윤(Ji Yoon Park);김성환(Seong Hwan Kim);김준희(Joon Hee Kim);방영롱(Young Rong Bang);이수영(Su Young Lee);이재민(Jae Min Lee);김주연(Ju Yeon Kim)이미경(Mi Kyung Lee);박재홍(Jae Hong Park)
Objective:This study aims to investigate differences between the elderly living alone and those living with others in frustrated interpersonal needs and life satisfaction. Also, we explore the effects of frustrated interpersonal needs on life satisfaction in the elderly living alone. Methods:The participants include 572 elderly people aged over 60 in Busan, Korea. Life satisfaction were evaluated by the Life Satisfaction Self-Rating Scale (LSRS) and frustrated interpersonal needs were measured by the Interpersonal Needs Questionnaire-Revised (INQ-R). Results:The overall LSRS scores were significantly lower in the elderly living alone (106.2±20.1) than living with others (115.3±13.9, p<0.001). The total INQ-R score was significantly lower in the elderly living alone (73.8±12.1) than those living with others (76.9±12.0, p<0.05). As a result of multiple regression analysis, we came to know that frustrated interpersonal needs were factors affecting life satisfaction in living alone group. Conclusion:The results of present study suggest that the elderly living alone are more likely to have poor life satisfaction and frustrated interpersonal needs. Also, frustrated interpersonal needs are related to life satisfaction. Thus, it is necessary to establish the social support system such as social isolation prevention and interpersonal relationship development.
Interpersonal needs,Life satisfaction,Elderly,Living alone