pISSN 1226-6329 / eISSN 2733-4600
대한노인정신의학회 (20권1호 33-37)
The Relationship between Temporal Discounting and Well-Being in the Elderly
노인의 삶의 질과 시간적 할인율과의 관련성에 대한 고찰
홍석주(Seok Joo Hong);장기중(Ki Jung Chang);노현웅(Hyun Woong Roh);노재성(Jai Sung Noh);정영기(Young Ki Chung);임기영(Ki Young Lim);홍창형(Chang Hyung Hong);손상준(Sang Joon Son)
Objective:This study aims to examine association of temporal discounting with well-being of Korean community-dwelling elderly. Methods:The subjects of this research were 4,373 community-dwelling older persons without dementia. Each subject was ad-ministered the questionnaires regarding the socio-demographic characteristics, temporal discounting which was measured using standard questions in which participants were asked to choose between an immediate, smaller payment and a delayed, larger one. Outcome variable is Korean version of the World Health Organization Five Well-Being Index (WHO-5). Statistical analyses includ-ing the Pearson’s correlation test and logistic regression were performed in this study. Results:At baseline, temporal discounting was negatively associated with WHO-5 in the Pearson’s correlation test (r=-0.04, p=0.006). In a adjusted model for confounding variables, temporal discounting was negatively associated with WHO-5 [odd ratio (95% confidence interval)=0.57 (0.35-0.92), p=0.021]. Conclusion:Elderly individual with a higher temporal discounting (which indicates impulsivity) may have a lower quality of life.
Elderly,Temporal discounting,Well-being,Quality of life,노인,시간적 할인율,행복감,삶의 질.