pISSN 1226-6329 / eISSN 2733-4600
대한노인정신의학회 (20권1호 9-15)
A Study on the Propensity of Koreans in Choosing Dementia Care Settings
한국인의 치매 돌봄 유형 선택 성향에 대한 연구
전미미(Mi Mi Jeon);김유정(You Joung Kim);김빈나(Bin Na Kim);김한나(Hanna Kim);성수정(Su Jeong Seong);김기웅(Ki Woong Kim)
Objective:This study was to investigate the factors that influence the propensity of Koreans in choosing care settings of de-mentia patients. Methods:This study analyzed the data from the ‘2014 Nationwide Survey on Dementia Awareness of Koreans’ that was con-ducted by the National Institute of Dementia. Korean’s perception of care burden for dementia was measured with grading on its types. Also its influences on preference for care between facilities and homes were evaluated using multivariate analysis with so-cio-demographic characteristics. Results:In terms of preferred care settings, respondents preferred facilities over homes in case of themselves and their family, respectively 77.5% and 68.2%. The preference for facilities was significantly influenced by the respondents’ age for both them-selves and their family. Additionally, the perception of relatively higher emotional and physical burden compared to economic bur-den significantly influenced preference for facilities for their family. Conclusion:Improving public awareness and setting-up a practical social supporting system are needed to reduce emotional and physical burden as well as economic burden of dementia. Furthermore, building up an appropriate and safer communities for demen-tia patients and their caregivers is much demanded for reducing their burdens.
Dementia,Caregiver burden,Care type,치매,조호 부담,돌봄 유형.