pISSN 1226-6329 / eISSN 2733-4600
대한노인정신의학회 (20권2호 80-86)
Clinical Usefulness of Korean Version of Older Adult Behavior Checklist in Screening for Diverse Psychopathology of Cognitive Impairment
노인 인지기능장애의 다양한 정신병리에 대한 선별 도구로서 한국판 노인 행동평가척도(Older Adult Behavior Checklist)의 유용성
김다정(Dajung Kim);최지영(Ji Young Choi);이동우(Dong Woo Lee);안준석(Junseok Ahn);오경자(Kyung Ja Oh)
Objective:This study aimed to investigate the differences of results of Older Adult Behavior Checklist (OABCL) in subjects with dementia, mild cognitive impairment (MCI), and normal group. Methods:The data was composed of 42 patients with MCI, 71 patients with dementia, and 111 randomly collected participants who were recruited for standardization of Korean version of Achenbach System of Empirically Based Assessment Older Adult Forms. Medical records, results of OABCL, neuropsychological tests, activities of daily living scale, and clinical dementia rating scale of the subjects were retrospectively analyzed to find significant factors in distinguishing the groups. Results:In dementia group, almost of the empirically base problem scales and Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)-oriented scales showed significantly higher scores than MCI or normal groups. MCI group also showed higher scores in several empirically base problem and DSM-oriented scales than normal group. Also, functional impairment, memory/ cognition, thought problems, irritable/disinhibited scales of empirically base problem and depressive, dementia, psychotic problems DSM-oriented scales significantly predict in distinguishing the three groups. Conclusion:The results implicated that OABCL is not only useful in assessing cognition decline but also in investigating psychological and behavioral problems of older adults.
Dementia,Mild congnitive impairment,Older Adult Behavior Checklist,Neuropsychological test