pISSN 1226-6329 / eISSN 2733-4600
대한노인정신의학회 (20권2호 61-67)
A Preliminary Study for the Development of the Elderly Smoking Cessation Program : Focus on the Expectancy, Self-Efficacy and Accessing Cognitive Functions
노인 금연 프로그램 개발을 위한 기초연구 : 금연기대, 자기효능감, 인지기능평가 중심
김명진(Myung-Jin Kim);김정우(Jung Woo Kim);김현숙(Hyun-Sook Kim);남기혁(GiHyeok Nam);민성호(Seongho Min);고상백(Sang-Baek Koh);김태희(Tae Hui Kim)
Objective:This study aimed to investigate the smoking behavior and attitude about smoking cessation of elderly and to evaluate the effect of accessing cognitive function in order to develop the cessation program for elderly smokers. Methods:The participants were 108 enrolled from attending the cessation program of national non-smoking guide center. We examined the Smoking Cessation Motivation Scale, The Perceived Smoking Cessation Effects Scale (PSCES), Smoking selfefficacy/temptation, The Why test and Tobacco Craving Questionnaire. Cognitive status was ascertained by interviewing with geriatric neuropsychiatrist and comprehensive neurocognitive test battery. Results:The older group had lower negative effect score of PSCES (52.0±17.7, 61.3±16.6, p=0.006) and higher smoking self-efficacy score (29.4±7.2, 26.0±8.3, p=0.028) than younger group. 47.1% of older group and 12.3% of younger group were mild cognitive impairment (p<0.001). The success rate of smoking cessation after 12 weeks was 92.2% in older group and 91.2% in younger group (p=1.00). Conclusion:The results indicate that the smoking cessation of elderly is not so challenge otherwise known as. Although the prevalence of mild cognitive impairment in smokers was higher than the general population, cognitive assessment and feedback might be made of the high success rate of smoking cessation. Further attention should be paid to the elderly tailored smoking cessation program and long-term follow-up.
Elderly,Smoking cessation,Expectancy,Self-efficac,Cognitive function