Journal of Korean Geriatric Psychiatry


pISSN 1226-6329 / eISSN 2733-4600


대한노인정신의학회 (15권2호 76-79)

Validity of the Korean Version of the Executive Interview (K-EXIT25)

한국어판 Executive Interview(K-EXIT25)의 타당도

이동우(Dong-Woo Lee);박준현(Jun Hyun Park);김양래(Yang-Rae Kim);정한용(Han-Yong Jung)


Objectives:This study was conducted to prove the validity of the Korean version of the Executive Interview (K-EXIT) which was developed by Donald Royall as a bed-side test to measure the executive function. Methods:The K-EXIT was developed and applied to 169elderly people with other executive functiontests.The internal consistency,reliability and the validity of the K-EXIT were analyzed. Results:The K-EXIT showed high internal consistency (Crohnbachα= 0.766) and high inter-rater reliability (r=0.997, p<0.01).The K-EXIT total score was well correlated with verbal fluency test (r=-0.460, p<0.001), and the initiation-perseveration-change score (r=-0.598, p<0.005). Conclusion:The K-EXIT is a reliable and valid instrument for assessing executive function of the Korean elderly people. It may be also useful for the less well-educated people.


실행기능,치매,타당도, Executive functions,Dementia,K-EXIT,Validity