Journal of Korean Geriatric Psychiatry


pISSN 1226-6329 / eISSN 2733-4600


대한노인정신의학회 (15권1호 7-12)

Relationship Between Anxiety and Stroke Warning Signs in the Elderly

지역사회 노인에서 불안과 뇌졸중 경고증상의 관계

이수현(Su Hyun Lee);고상현(Sang Hyun Koh);이윤환(Yunhwan Lee);백종환(Joung Hwan Back);정영기(Young Ki Chung);김현정(Hyun Chung Kim);홍창형(Chang Hyung Hong)


Objectives:We aimed to investigate the relationship between anxiety and stroke warning signs in the elderly. Methods:Data obtained from 1,078 subjects (256 men and 822 women) aged above 65 years was analyzed from Suwon Project, which was a cohort comprising of nonrandom convenience samples. All the subjects completed the study questionnaire including their demographic characteristics, history of current and past illnesses, drug history, Korean version-Mini Mental State Examination (K-MMSE), SGDS-K (Korean version of the Geriatric Depression Scale-Short Form), BAI (Beck Anxiety Inventory). Stroke warning signs were defined as 5 stroke warning signs consistent with the American heart association public health message Results:There was significant relationship of anxiety and the number of stroke warning signs after adjusting age, sex, educational level and depression (β=2.145, p〈0.0001). On analysis of covariance, the interaction of the number of experienced stroke warning signs with sex on anxiety was observed after adjusting for the age, educational level, K-MMSE, and SGDS-K (p=0.011). Conclusion:These results suggest that there was significant relationship of anxiety and stroke the elderly.


Anxiety,Stroke warning signs,Elderly, 불안,뇌졸중 경고증상,노인