pISSN 1226-6329 / eISSN 2733-4600
대한노인정신의학회 (9권1호 8-16)
Reminiscence of the Early Period of the Foundation of Korean Association for Geriatric Psychiatry
대한노인정신의학회 창립초기의 회고
곽동일(Dong Il Kwak)
As a founding president of the Korean Association for Geriatric Psychiatry, I would like to look back on not only the quickening period of the association that was thirteen years ago but also on its early works and activities. This association was founded in 1994 in order to improve mental health of the aged in Korea and to help them live with dreams and ambitions. Starting with forty two members, the association has developed as one of the biggest associations, where approximately four hundred out of 2,221 psychiatrists in Korea are enrolled as regular members. In addition, it has made an eye-opening progress in terms of education, research and treatment. I hope that with the advent of an aged society, our association will play an influential role in helping the aged live creatively with hope and dignity by carrying out a psychogeriatric subspecialist system and by paying endless attention to their mental health.
대한노인정신의학회,창립학회장,회고, Korean Association for Geriatric Psychiatry,Founding president,Reminiscence