Journal of Korean Geriatric Psychiatry


pISSN 1226-6329 / eISSN 2733-4600


대한노인정신의학회 (9권2호 140-147)

The Validity of the Assessment Tools for the Korean Long-Term Care System

노인요양보장제도의 요양 대상 평가 도구의 타당도에 관한 연구

홍나래(Na Rei Hong);연병길(Byeong Kil Yeon);김현철(Hyun Cheol Kim);류성곤(Sung Gon Ryu);정갑희(Gab Hee Chung);한창환(Chang Hwan Han)


Objectives : For the further development of the Korean Long-Term Care System, we analyzed the validity of the assessment tools of cognitive impairment and behavioral problems for the Korean Long-Term Care System. Methods : We investigated 326 elderly people who were residing in Onyang 4-dong and Dogo-myun, Asan-si, Chungcheongnamdo. Our research team visited their residence and performed the assessment tools for the Korean Long-Term Care System and Korean version of the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE-K), Neuropsychiatric Inventory-Questionnaire (NPI-Q) and Seoul-Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (S-IADL). Results : The correlation between the cognitive function tests and MMSE-K (r=0.579, p<0.001) and that between the behavioral problem tests and NPI-Q (r=0.688, p<0.001) were not as good as we expected. Moreover, if the items of the behavioral problem tests were decreased to 10 items as the government wanted, we got much lower correlation coefficiency. The cognitive function tests could not detect early cognitive deterioration in dementia. Conclusion : The assessment tools of cognitive impairment and behavioral problems for the Korean Long-Term Care System need modifications to promote validity.


장기 요양,노인 평가,노인,타당도, Long-term care,Geriatric assessment,Aged,Validity