pISSN 1226-6329 / eISSN 2733-4600
대한노인정신의학회 (9권2호 108-111)
Difference between Subjective and Objective Estimates of Dementia in the Community Elderly
지역사회 노인들에서 치매의 주관적 판단과 객관적 평가 간의 차이
박종한(Jong Han Park);홍미령(Mi Ryung Hong);장병원(Byung Won Jang);변용찬(Yong Chan Byun)
Objective : Evaluation of how much the presence of dementia is underdiagnosed or misdiagnosed in the elderly population by themselves. Method : The number of self-professed dementia cases was compared to the estimated number of cases with cognitive impairment based on the Korean version of the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSEK) employed in a nationwide survey “Need assessment of the long-term care in the elderly” in three representative areas of Korea. The would-be dementia cases were analyzed. Results : Only eighteen (0.7%) of 2,638 reported the presence of dementia while 414 (15.7%) were diagnosed as having questionable cognitive impairment and 385 (14.6%) as having definite cognitive impairment on the MMSEK. On the other hand, some of the self-professed “dementia” cases were not impaired on the MMSEK. Conclusion : The public should be educated on clinical manifestations of dementia for its early diagnosis and appropriate treatment because they are mostly without understanding about dementia.
노인,치매,진단,역학, Aged,Dementia,Diagnosis,Epidemiology