pISSN 1226-6329 / eISSN 2733-4600
대한노인정신의학회 (8권1호 42-45)
Categorical approach to define old age by biological ages and their adaptational vulnerabilities falls into ageism, for the boundary of aging constantly changed because of longevity. Old age should be understood in developmental perspectives with proactive and meaning-making view of life. Old age is indeed an active developmental process for fuller, up-graded and more matured conditions despite obstacles due to biological aging. It is a challenge for change of old self upsetting old beliefs, and to make meanings to new ideas and patterns. Thus old age welcomes new experiences in which hidden capabilities are found and materialized. They realize the rights to refuse, choose and organize with increased sensitivities on life, self and conditions for their growth. This challenge against risks and for openness with wisdom of experiences lead life of an old age to be creative. Creativity sets off old people to advantage.
창의성,노년기, Creativity,Old age