pISSN 1226-6329 / eISSN 2733-4600
대한노인정신의학회 (8권1호 37-41)
Aging is the very natural and mandatory process of human life. Aging processes meant physical and psychological declining as well. These declines contained hormonal decreases from human being's from his young adult life. Academic point of view, Aging was originated from shortening telomere length, attacking oxidative radicals and accumulations of toxic materials. Antiaging treatment will start the following concept, that ‘Aging is a kind of disease, not natural process, so we can handle it for a better and longer life.’Growth hormone (GH) is the first line treatment of aging, because GH secretion declines by 14%/decades through adult life, leading to functional GH deficiency in the elderly. It may increase fat mass inside abdomen and decrease bone mass. It also may concern other negative changes of body composition. Recently, many studies showed that GH replacement therapy may restore negative changes of body composition with aging. We will guess human beings' life span reach to 100 years in this century. About 80 years-old, they can maintain their life with inborn health, but after that period, medical modification should be needed for restoring their well beings.
노화,항노화,성장호르몬, Aging,Antiaging,Growth hormone