pISSN 1226-6329 / eISSN 2733-4600
대한노인정신의학회 (1권1호 34-47)
Dementia can be defined as an acquired persistent impairment of intellectual func-tion with compromise in at least three of the mental activities such as language, memory, visuospatial skill, emotion or personality, and cognition. The purposes of diagnosing a dementia syndrome are to search systemically for various etiologies, to differentiate reversible or irreversible dementia, cortical or subcortical dementia, and degenerative or nondegenerative dementia, and to apply to patients neurocognitive rehabilitation or other specific trea-tment strategies. The evaluation of dementia includes neuropsychiatric history taking, neuropsychological assessment, neurologic examination, neuroimaging studies, and laboratory studies. It is impossible to evaluate dementic patients only with clinical signs, symptoms, and neuropsychiatric histories. But I will address specific neurologic or neuropsychiatric symptoms and signs of various dementias to und-erstand them as classification.
Neurocognitive rehabilitation,Reversible dementia,Irreversible dementia,Subcortical dementia,Cortical dementia,Degenerative dementia,Non-dege-nerative dementia